Saturday, June 4, 2011

old is new again

We don't build things like that now... 
looks like it was made for Mr AM
Flip open lid to access. Also good place for house keys/money  when riding. The black trim is foam to reduce rattling 

   I like old stuff.. feels like things were made more robustly and designed with heart. Maybe it is just my rose tinted perception.... Anyway, here is sharing how to make something old, new again.
1) Find a old generator lamp... look around sungei road or old bicycle shop.
2) Get a Top peak handlebar front light... @Rodalink
3) Open the old lamp and take out all th cable/old lightbulb.
4)  Remove LED mechanism from Toppeak cover, do a dry fit
5) Mix 5min epoxy, breathe... stick the toppeak light mechanism to the old reflector
6) go have coffee, eat a bun....
7) wait for night fall to try out

Topeak handlebar light. Small and good.. available at Rodalink
This is the internal LED  mechanism to use
This is how it looks at night... nice hor? 
Ride bright, ride safe! 


  1. What a great idea. Might have to rig my old dynamo headlight to do this for a brighter light.
